+8802589924917 | +8801713491000 pollisree@yahoo.com
MAHFUJA NAJNIN & REZAUL KARIM +8801717526134, 01733269932 Joynul Mudikhana, Farakkabad & Setara Bazar, Birol, Dinajpur.

Credit & Enterprise

  • Types of Program
: Holistic Approch (Education, Health, Livelihood etc.)
  • Registration
: --
  • Network
: --
  • Donor
: PKSF & Pollisree
  • Program Aim


: The overall Goal is to ensure human dignity and freedom by gradually reducing poverty in a sustainable manner, towards total elimination of poverty and beyond poverty sustainable development at the household level in the unions under the programme.
  • Program Budget
: --
  • Program Area
: 2 no Farrakkabad Union, Birol, Dinajpur


ENRICH program are implemented by PKSF & POLLISREE own economical support. These proggam are implemented at Farakkabad union Upazilla Birol under Dinajpur District at September,2014.To contribute towards creating a poverty –free Bangladesh, with each and every citizen of the country living a humanly dignified life, and its mission is to support all economic and social action programmes through various financial, non-financial and natural disaster management   related services as are relevant to the circumstances of the heterogeneous groups of the poor and low income people for them to come out  of poverty and disadvantaged situation and move ahead beyond poverty so that they are on a sustainable pathway as securely as possible. Under the holistic approach, the integrated action programme includes the key components of education, health services, skill-training, technology- information, food security & nutrition, awareness raising, asset creation, infrastructure etc. project is ongoing